As an air conditioning contractor, we understand how much energy is wasted by homes and businesses running old air conditioning units. While effective, they can demand significant amounts of energy and end up costing you a bundle on your electric bill. Add the financial burden to the fact that this is bad for the environment, and it becomes clear that you should take the steps to finally upgrade. Keep in mind that we can continue to service your older units and keep them running smoothly. However, at some point, you have to compare the long-term pros and cons of keeping it in place. When you do, we think you may find that you are better off purchasing a new one.

Check Your SEER Rating

When you want to know how energy-efficient your AC unit is, look at your SEER rating. This is typically a sticker on the unit itself, and that sticker should have a number on it. This acronym stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The older units tend to have a rating around 10, and current window units also have a 10 rating. More recently, the government began to require air conditioning units to have a SEER rating of 13 or better. This is certainly a step in the right direction, but since SEER ratings go all the way up to 23, a 13 seems rather paltry.

Your SEER rating is actually calculated by looking at how much cooling is produced (BTU), divided by electricity and how much you have to use in order to produce that cooling. Simple things like turning the heat up one degree can help you use less energy and save a great deal of money, but replacing your unit can permanently reduce your energy bill.

Energy Star® Rating

If you want to go the energy-efficient route, hire an air conditioning contractor to install a new system with the Energy Star® rating. These units should have a SEER of at least 14.

Buy the Right Unit

As an air conditioning contractor, we understand that there is more at play than the actual unit itself. You need something designed to handle the demands of your home. That means it must be large enough to accommodate the size of home you have, how hot it gets, and how many hours it has to run during the day. If your unit is not up for the task, it will use a great amount of energy trying to prove otherwise.

Whether you have an older HVAC unit or you have air conditioners that fit in your window, we can replace what you have and provide you with a new air conditioner that runs smoothly, produces the right temperature, and is quieter. Supplied by top manufacturers, we are confident in the long-term durability of any air conditioning units we install. For a quote or to get started, call our office and speak with an air conditioning contractor today.

Jay Young: