When it comes to plumbing repair, there is no reason to put off issues that can be easily fixed today until tomorrow. Postponing repairs often results in homeowners having to pay significantly more to repair the damage that they could have spent less to repair earlier. Water is one of those substances that can go anywhere, is incredibly useful, but can also be exceedingly damaging if it gets into the wrong places.

Plumbing: the good and the bad

The purpose of good plumbing is to keep water flowing in the right direction at all times. Water flows into the house through the water mains and then flows out through the drainage system. If there is some kind of malfunction with any element of the home’s plumbing, it is highly recommended that the homeowner gets it repaired as soon as possible.

Plumbing repair, when done early and quickly, is typically fast and inexpensive, depending on the problem. A good rule of thumb is this: if a plumbing issue arises, schedule a repair immediately and avoid long-term damage or expensive fixes down the road.

Plumbing: the ugly

American founding father Benjamin Franklin once said, "A small leak can sink a great ship." This adage is still true 300 years later and can easily be applied to the need for plumbing repairs. A tiny bit of water can cause significant amounts of damage in the home. One small leak in a pipe leading to flooding in the home and several gallons of water accumulating in a very short amount of time. As experts in plumbing, we often get called out to situations that easily could have been less expensive, or avoided altogether, had the homeowner taking the time and effort to call a plumber when they first noticed a problem.

A great example is a small leaky pipe, typically a 10-minute job for a seasoned plumber. However, people will let this issue get to a point where it leads to significant leakage, mold growth and even structural damage. Homeowners could face up to $10,000, or more, in costs with having to restore their home just because they were too busy to call for a fix to the leaky pipe.

Plumbing repair: get it done

Homeowners find it incredibly easy to ignore plumbing problems. Most people will simply not pay attention to a leaky faucet, tie a plastic bag around a leaky pipe, or simply stop using an infrequently used sink because of a leak.  Most homeowners do not intend to ignore these problems but are caught up in their busy lives, and think that a plumbing issue is not a big deal. As a seasoned plumber, we have learned that when people catch a problem early and fix it, there is far less probability that it could turn into something much more serious.

One example that can easily be given is the homeowners that make the effort to cover their pipes during the winter time to avoiding freezing, hence reducing the potential of a burst pipe. This is an example of a proactive measure that may help with plumbing problems before they ever become a problem.

If you have an issue, call for help and we can come out right away.

Jay Young: