Anyone in the restaurant business knows how important grease traps are for keeping everything running smoothly. Whether a deep fryer is necessary for every item on the menu or not, restaurants need grease to keep turning out all of the delicious food on the menu. The challenge with grease traps is that they are messy and can create problems without proper maintenance. Our services are here to provide assistance for restaurant owners to prevent problems.

We can take care of the mess created from grease traps

The grease has to go somewhere. Whether it flows into the septic tank or it remains in grease traps, we can pump out and remove the liquid waste and sludge so that the restaurant can continue to operate. Since the grease trap is going to be full of vegetable oils and animal fats that come from the kitchen, people need to pump it out on a regular basis.

Otherwise, the lines are going to clog and a backup is likely to occur. Without a properly flowing and functioning line, the kitchen can be shut down so it is important to schedule these routine maintenance appointments on a regular basis. Forgetting to schedule a pumping or cleaning can lead to a serious loss of revenue if there is even one day of forced closure. This is not something any restaurant owner wants to deal with and by hiring us, it is unlikely to ever be a problem.

Frequency and consistency

How often grease traps need to be cleaned and pumped is really going to depend on the volume running through the business. During the first appointment, we can take care of the immediate problem and then make a recommendation for when we should come back. We will base this decision on the condition we find the grease trap in and how much cooking is in the kitchen on a daily basis. Once on a schedule, it is possible for restaurant owners and managers to forget about the grease trap and know that we will take care of the trap.

Get rid of nasty smells

In addition to preventing backups, a benefit of cleaning grease traps is that it helps to remove some of the nasty odors that are due to a buildup of grease. When those odors are wafting from the kitchen into the restaurant, it is time to call and make this appointment. If customers start complaining or leaving rather quickly, this is a sure sign that it is time to deal with the odors.

Additionally, when we complete a deep cleaning, the trap itself may need a pump less frequently because all of the old hardened grease we remove.

Call us for help and excellent customer service

Give us a call today to have your grease traps clean, pumped and properly maintained. This will ensure that the restaurant can continue functioning and that any nasty odors are removed. We are here when you need us, so schedule an appointment for us to come out.

Jay Young: