Getting an HVAC repair and receiving proper maintenance can save you money by reducing your electric bills before the heat of spring and summer sets in. Keeping up with routine maintenance is the first step to saving money on electric bills. If regular maintenance is not performed, you could face an expensive repair later.

HVAC maintenance

In order to work effectively, an HVAC system should be inspected bi-annually, once before the warm months and once before the cold months and receive an HVAC repair as needed. This inspection and maintenance should include:

  • Replacing the air filter
  • Turning the HVAC system on and off to ensure it performs correctly
  • Replacing any missing or damaged components
  • Assessing the thermostat for accuracy and offering setting recommendations
  • Checking all electrical connections to ensure monthly meter readings are correct
  • Inspecting the outdoor unit and fan to make sure they are not dirty or damaged
  • Checking the condensate drain line to make sure it is not clogged and checking the evaporator
  • Cleaning any dirty coils
  • Looking at air ducts to ensure correct airflow and no damages or holes
  • Adding necessary lubrication or refrigerant to the system
  • Checking and cleaning the blower for seamless airflow
  • Examining heating elements for damages and safety

Possible reasons for expensive electric bills

There are many reasons for high energy costs that could be unrelated to an HVAC system, but many times problems with the HVAC system are to blame. Listed below are a few of the most common reasons energy costs get out of control:

  • Dirty air filters do not allow air flow and increase allergens in the home. They are not changed often enough by homeowners. Filters should be changed every two to three months.
  • Leaky or faulty air ducts may cause air to escape or be directed to an incorrect location like empty attic space, wasting electricity in the process.
  • Low refrigerant levels do not allow the removal of heat from the home.
  • Inaccurate thermostats may cause the heat or air to turn on unnecessarily.
  • Failing components (like the compressor or motor) cause the break down of the HVAC system and rack up expenses.
  • An outdated HVAC system is inefficient and costly compared to newer models.
  • The home does not have enough insulation. Insulation is important in heat and cold as it helps keep the internal temperature of the home stable and reduces draftiness. Insulation should be present in the attic, under the house and in the outer walls.
  • The windows in the home need to be replaced with newer, energy efficient options to limit draftiness. It may also help to add window treatments to keep the heat of the sun out.

All of these issues can cause an HVAC system to run constantly and unnecessarily which in turn will run up the electric bill. In order to save money in the long run, it is important to receive regular HVAC maintenance, update your HVAC system and outfit your home with energy-efficient choices.

Make good choices for your home

Prepare for the coming heat of spring and summer by following these guidelines and scheduling an inspection and maintenance today. This will allow you to avoid the need for an emergency HVAC repair later after your system has failed.

Jay Young: