There are many benefits to a water softener and one of our plumbers can install one for you.  At Jay Young Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning we can install a water softener for you this summer so that you can enjoy the benefits all year long. A water softener can be used with a well or public water. Those with a well may find them especially useful given how rough well water can be.  Homes with well water can suffer from bad smells, yellow stains in toilets and showers, and water that often appears cloudy.  Many of these problems can be solved with a water softener. Experienced plumbers know that the right plumbing solution can improve your water quality and how much you enjoy your home.  If you don’t like the smell, taste or look of your water – we can help.  You don’t have to live with it.  Call us for a consultation so that we can discuss the issues you are facing and how to best resolve them. If you think that a water softener is the ideal solution to the problem you are facing, you should know what the benefits are once the process is completed. A water softener can do the following:
  • Extend the life of your appliances. Hard water is very bad for your appliances and can make them wear out faster.  You can help your appliances last longer by installing a water softener.
  • Make your clothes cleaner.  Your clothes won’t wash as well with hard water because it is difficult for the soap to become activated.  This can leave your clothes looking dingy even after being washed. A water softener can also make your clothes come out whiter.
  • Easier to shower.  The softer your water is the easier it will be to get a good lather with your shampoo and body wash. This makes taking a shower faster and more enjoyable.  It will also make your products last longer as you will be able to do more with less.
  • Your home will be cleaner.  The harder your water is the dirtier your house will appear.  Even after cleaning your bathroom and kitchen may appear dirty due to hard water deposits. Softer water will make it easier to clean without leaving marks or stains.
  • Dishes come out brighter.  When you run the dishwasher your dishes may appear dirty or grimy if your water is too hard. Installing a softener can make them look sparkling clean once washed.
There are many different types of water softening units that our plumbers can install. Rather than recommending one particular type or brand, we like to meet with the homeowner and examine their space to determine which solution will work best.  At Jay Young Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning we make customized recommendations that we feel will best suit your family’s needs and budget.  Our goal is to provide affordable and effective solutions so that our customers can enjoy their water, rather than being inconvenienced by it. To learn more about how we can help call and schedule a consultation.  We are your friendly Lubbock plumber and can be reached at (806) 783-8318.    
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