If you are purchasing a new building, you should have a commercial plumbing inspection to ensure that everything is in proper working order. This is critical if you want to ensure that you don’t buy a property that ends up requiring a significant amount of initial maintenance work. Many investors and property owners have found that they purchased a building in need of significant repairs to the pipes and plumbing. In some cases, the entire system needs to be replaced, which can cost thousands of dollars. If you are trying to read certain ROI objectives, spending this much money out of the gate will significantly hamper your returns. If you are purchasing the property with other investors and have them to answer to, this can leave you in an incredibly awkward position when distributing end-of-year financial statements. By simply having your plumbing inspected ahead of time, you will know what to expect and financial expectations can be set appropriately.

There are several signs that your building may have old or outdated plumbing:

  • Low water pressure.
  • Toilets that are not flushing properly.
  • Gurgling in sinks or tubs.
  • Sewage smells throughout the property.
  • Lines running along the walls or ceilings.
  • Places in the ceiling where the drywall is peeling.
  • Tenants complaining of constant clogs.

If you observe any of these signs during a walkthrough, that does not necessarily mean that you will need to overhaul the plumbing, but it does indicate that you should have it inspected by a ;commercial plumbing expert. As one, we can visit the property, inspect and examine your system, and let you know what, if anything, should be repaired or replaced.

A Commercial Plumber Will Inspect:

  • The lines running from your building ;to the public water and sewer. Very often, things like tree roots can grow and damage the pipes. This can lead to small or major leaks that can produce an incredible mess in addition to causing issues with your water pressure. Remember, any pipes on your property will be your responsibility to maintain.
  • Pipes running through your building. Once water has reached your building, it needs to flow unhindered and without leaks. The same is true for wastewater leaving your building. We will examine these pipes to ensure that they are working as they should and that there is no rust, decay, or damage to worry about. As commercial plumbing experts, we understand that it does not take much to cause a large leak. A small crack is typically all you need to cause water damage. Even if that damage does not show up immediately, it will with time.
  • Plumbing in the bathrooms, kitchens, laundry area, etc. We will inspect the pipes connecting your sinks and toilets to the property’s plumbing. If we notice that you have any leaks or there are issues regarding how well the water is flowing, we will let you know at this time.

Schedule an Appointment for Your Commercial Plumbing Inspection

Save yourself time and money down the road by having your property inspected today.

Jay Young: