We can complete a heating repair in your home even though it is still fairly warm in certain areas. The truth is that summer is reaching a close and winter will soon be on our doorsteps. Eventually, temperatures will cool down and many will want to use their heating system. Thus, summer is the best time to plan for winter since it ensures that by the time those cool nights are upon us, everything is working properly.

Do not hesitate to schedule an appointment

We recommend scheduling a service appointment for us to come inspect the HVAC unit and make sure that everything is functioning properly. While we can do this inspection at any time, we recommend doing so before the seasons change. In many cases, something as simple as changing the filters is all that is necessary to ensure that a unit continues to function properly.

While at other times, the thermostat needs an update or major repairs. We will not really know the type of maintenance a unit will need until completing an inspection. We can do this rather quickly as it is important for preventing problems.

Indications that a repair could be necessary

It is difficult to say when an HVAC unit will start to give a homeowner trouble. They can last for a very long time, making it easy for homeowners to forget about them and not consider maintenance issues. Scheduling regular inspections and service appointments can help to prevent emergencies. However, if one does not seek these services, it is necessary to watch for signs that a unit will need to be serviced or repaired. These include:

#1. Inconsistent temperature

If the temperature is constantly going up and down, it is a sign that the unit is either not functioning properly or there is an issue with the thermostat.

#2. Thermostat not kicking on

When adjusting the temperature on the thermostat, the HVAC unit should begin working right away. If the unit does not begin working right away or there is a significantly prolonged delay, a repair may be necessary.

#3. Bad smells when the HVAC is running

We visit many homes that experience bad smells coming out of the vents when turning the HVAC on. Sometimes, the homeowner needs to clean out the ductwork because it is full of dust, hair and the occasional rodent. Mold is also a problem that can grow inside the ducts. For anyone with a breathing condition like asthma, it is necessary to clean the ductwork on a regular basis.

Call for a heating repair

If there are signs that the home is not heating up as it should or the temperature is inconsistent, call for a repair appointment right away. It is wise to do so at the first sign of an issue instead of waiting until the temperature drops significantly and it is no longer comfortable in the home.

At this point, many people will be calling for repair services and it can take longer to complete all appointments. However, we do handle emergency requests. Thus, if a heating repair is necessary on a fast turnaround, we can help with that as well.

Jay Young: