Why You Could Need Lubbock Plumbing Repair This Summer

Posted on: June 25, 2015

lubbock-plumbing-repairWhile certain plumbing problems, such as frozen pipes, are most likely to happen during the winter months, other Lubbock plumbing repair issues are more common during summer. There are many ways homeowners can protect their property from summer plumbing problems if they are aware of particular plumbing issues caused by hot weather, are careful to avoid them and schedule routine maintenance checkups with a professional.

There are many plumbing problems that can arise during the summer, including:

Clogged Disposal

Many people who plan on having barbecues and cookouts this summer are not careful of how they dispose of food waste. Certain types of produce are not recommended for a built in sink garbage disposal, specifically hard fruits and vegetables and fibrous or “stringy” foods, such as watermelon, corn, corn husks, celery, and banana peels. These types of products can damage the blades in a garbage disposal and lead to stubborn clogs.

Many homeowners are not aware that used cooking oils and dirty grease are also damaging to garbage disposals because they form clogs in pipes.  If you have a clogged garbage disposal that is either causing your sink to back up, is humming or just isn't working properly, it may be time to call for professional Lubbock plumbing repair

Sprinkler Issues

Many families have sprinklers installed in their lawns. If the sprinkler system hasn't had any maintenance throughout the year and the sprinkler heads haven't been inspected before the summer season begins, you may experience broken sprinkler heads once summer starts. Lawns are used more frequently in summer, and the grass is mowed more regularly. If any of the sprinkler heads is damaged, they need to be replaced. Not doing so can cause an increase in your water bill and lead to additional damage to the rest of the sprinkler system.


In humid weather, your ductwork can sweat from condensation, especially if there are leaks in the seams. If your home has an attic installation, be sure there is no water in the drain pan. If there are signs of water, call an expert today, as it could save your ceiling.

Sewer Line Backups

Certain areas may be more prone to heavy summer rain showers. Excessive rain can seep into sewer pipes and cause the sewer line to back up. There may be additional trouble if tree roots have grown and spread underneath the ground and have cracked the pipes. If there is water from the toilet backing up into the bathtub drain, call us right away as this may be a sign of sewer line trouble. If the damage is extensive, and you haven't had any plumbing repair maintenance done in a while, you may need a complete sewer line replacement.

Clogged Toilets

Toilets are prone to backups. Common clogs are simple to fix with a plunger, but if your toilet isn't flushing properly due to the excessive amount of toilet paper used during summer, call in a professional Lubbock plumbing repair.

With many years of experience, we have helped countless number of homeowners with their plumbing needs, especially during summer. Our staff are professional, knowledgeable and qualified plumbers in the plumbing repair industry today. Schedule an appointment by calling our office 24/7 and let our technicians accurately diagnose and quickly fix any plumbing problems you may have.