Silent but deadly, water leaks can sneak past homeowners and ruin a house. Leaks can begin as a slow drip that runs down the inside of walls, ceilings and inside cabinets. By the time homeowners find the leak spilling onto the kitchen floor, they may not be aware of the source. Fortunately, we have the skills and expertise to find the source and treat it.

Difficult to find

Without a huge gush of water to show where the leak is coming from, water may show up in one area of the home but actually, be coming from another. This is especially true when homes are multiple stories. A bathroom on the top floor can be leaking but the leak might not show up until you go into the basement.

Again, finding the source of the leak is hard. This makes it necessary to call in a professional and we are glad to provide assistance.

Steps to take in a leak detection appointment

When we visit a home to find the source of the leak, several steps must be taken. First, we will look around all of the plumbing fixtures. This includes looking at toilets, sinks, showers, tubs, and appliances. Sometimes, we will find moisture that indicates there is a small leak. By running that particular item, we will then watch to observe if there is any leakage or dripping. If there is, the fix will be relatively simple.

We will probably replace or tighten the pipes leading to that particular fixture and resolve the leak in that way. If we do not see any leakage near any of these fixtures, the leak may be taking place from within the wall. This is where it gets tricky. To determine where the leak is coming from, we will then need to start with where the leak is showing up.

This could be in a place that is far away from the actual source of the leak but it will give us our best spot to begin sourcing it.

Do not wait to fix a leak

Water can quickly run along the two-by-fours in a home. By looking at the source of the leak, we can sometimes visually follow it to the general area where the leak is coming from. This can at least help us to pinpoint a particular bathroom, laundry room or the kitchen.

Once we know which room the leak is coming from, we can go through the process of elimination to rule out various fixtures or areas that may be the source of the leak. This can be difficult and take time but we must be thorough to ensure to identify and stop the source.

As a plumber, we want to warn you that it can be difficult and time-consuming to identify a small leak. Doing it yourself can lead to enormous amounts of frustration and the leak still might not be identified. As professionals, we do this on a regular basis and that has given us insight and knowledge that can help to find even the hardest of leaks.

Get the help you need ASAP

A water leak is nothing to ignore because it can lead to serious damage throughout the home. Do not take any chances but call for a leak detection appointment instead.

Jay Young: