While many people are quick to jump on the DIY bandwagon as soon as something in the house breaks, there are issues that require professional services. A gas leak or issue with a gas line is not something one will be able to repair with a trip to the hardware store. A gas leak will require professional knowledge and skill to repair. Without this knowledge, a homeowner puts a great risk on the residents and quality of the home.

A gas line repair can be dangerous

Working with a gas leak can be dangerous because it is a volatile substance. It is both flammable and combustible so working with a gas line without knowing what safety precautions to take can lead to an explosion and it can also lead to difficulty breathing as the gas could leak. For anyone who has no experience working with gas, this can be a real problem.

Our professional team knows how to safely work with gas to prevent any type of catastrophe at the house. Additionally, it is good to be aware that when working with our company, we have insurance policies in place so that if anything ever did happen, which it is unlikely to, our policy would cover it.

Steps involved with a repair

The first step is identifying the exact nature of the issue. In some cases, this is obvious and it is clear where the pipe has broken down. In other situations, it is known that there is a gas leak but homeowners or business owners are unsure of where. In this case, we will need to diagnose the problem in this could require looking inside some of the walls.

It is important to take as much time as necessary to properly assess any areas where the pipe is leaking. We will bring various tools with us along with pipes and fitters in case something needs to be replaced entirely. Sometimes pipes become corroded or they can crack or break due to stress being placed on them, weather conditions, extreme temperatures or even animals interfering with them.

In other situations, the fitters become loose or wear out, causing small leaks where the joints are. By carrying both pipes and fitters, we make it possible to complete the repair quickly.

Call us for help

As professionals, we can handle your gas line repair safely and efficiently. It is important to hire someone who is experienced, licensed and insured since working with gas is dangerous and risky. You do not want a general handyman taking care of this since they may have no or little direct experience.

Also, many handymen do not have the proper license or insurance, so if something goes wrong, homeowners have little to no recourse. By working with our company, these concerns can be eliminated. We can address any issues with a gas leak by completing the repair safely and quickly. Call us for help today.

Jay Young: